6 Tips for Thrifty & Eco Friendly Living

"Hey, Macklemore! Can we go thrift shopping"?

I'm pretty sure everyone has heard "Thrift Shop" by Macklemore. Yes, I know I'm hilarious. But one of my college dorm mates ran full speed into my room and demanded that I listen to it when it came out. I laughed and asked why she wanted me to hear it. We all know. If you know anything about me, it's this- I LIVE in thrift stores. No really, I do. I'm always on the hunt for a bargain. Also, it's pretty Eco friendly. Why is it Eco friendly? I've actually had people ask so here I am to make a list. Of some of the ways that I personally find helpful to be thrifty and Eco friendly!

1. Thrift Shopping!
I feel like this one should be obvious but it's not. Most thrift stores have a multitude of items depending on the store. Sometimes you can look online and read reviews and see if they have more clothing or books,etc. 
Some of my personal favorites are: The Salvation Army and  Habitat for Humanity's ReStore. I also really like smaller thrift stores. Especially the ones piled high with stuff. Thrifting is a great way to save and be eco friendly because you are keeping these items from going into a landfill. Plus you are reducing water waste & saving electricity by not buying new clothing. However, I don't buy socks and under garments from thrift stores. I will occasionally buy a bra if it's got the tags on it. 

2. Eco Friendly Light bulbs!

I remember when these first came out and I was so excited to try them. I talked my dad into buying them because they were supposed to save you money. Compared to traditional light bulbs, these energy- efficient ones typically use about 25%-80% less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs, saving you money. Also, some companies offer free energy saving kits. Check with your local electricity provider! 

3. Buy in Bulk!

I know it can seem like a lot of work to cut down on expenses. Trust me, I know. One of the easiest ways to cut down on spending is buying in bulk. One of my favorites is Amazon Pantry. They have fresh & non perishables, household items, pet & baby items, etc. Plus all of this comes in one box. No more plastic bags from the store that end up in landfills or the ocean. 
Check it out here: Prime Pantry

4. Buy Generic!

I am fully aware that buying generics aren't always a great idea. Some generic things just aren't up to quality. But some of them are. It really just depends on what you are buying. However, with medications & house hold items they are almost identical. Example: For a (2 Pack) Equate Allergy Relief Diphenhydramine Antihistamine Capsules, 25 mg, 100 Ct I would pay $4.89. VS.  (2 Pack) Benadryl Ultratab Antihistamine Allergy Medicine Tablets, 100 ct which is $20.68. That's a $15.79 difference for the exact same thing! 

5. Meal Prep!

I don't know about you guys but I hate meal prepping. BUT since I've started doing it I realized it does help the budget. It can also help the environment when you aren't wasting food and throwing out that perfectly good head of lettuce because you forgot you purchased it. It's an easy way to keep yourself from being tempted to go out to dinner & to brush up on those cooking skills. It's also helped me learn how to portion control for my family size. Here's a great article about meal prepping for beginners Meal Prep For Beginners & here is a link for printable meal prep templates Meal Prep Templates. It always helps me when I have everything written down that I need to buy before going to the store so I'm less tempted to get that box of cookies. 

6. Budgeting!

I know budgeting is for sinners and we all want to just spend our money and pretend it's going to be fine. It' really helps stay on top of your money when you know where it's going. I'm including a link for some free printables. These include:

Monthly Budget - Create a budget and manage it!

Expense Tracker - Track daily expenses and receipts.

Financial Calendar - Write down monthly due dates for bills and check them off when paid! Save on printing & laminate!

Bill Payment Checklist - Year at a glance overview of your paid bills. See everything at once, so you can stay on track of your payments!

Debt Repayment Plan – Pay off debt the quick and organized way! *Prioritize your debt, list creditor’s information and keep track of your payments and remaining balance on one form!

Balance Sheet – Track your family's debts and net worth along with your credit report scores.

Bank Account Information - Keep important account information like pin numbers and debit card numbers on one convenient sheet.

Household Account Information - Keep important information like policy, account and customer service numbers for insurance and utility companies on one sheet!

Find it here: Budget Printables

And there you have it! I think I will make this a recurrent themed blog and update you guys with new ideas and new ways to save money and ways to help the environment!

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