Sustainable Holiday Time!

I'm giving you guys all the tips I can find or think of for being a little more sustainable during the holiday's without giving up the fun of giving, decorating, and throwing parties.

1. Make your own wrapping paper/buy secondhand!

Over the holidays, enough wrapping paper gets thrown away to circle the world 9 times. Make sure to dispose of your holiday waste correctly.

Guess what! Brown craft wrapping paper can be recycled or composted. If you choose to compost it make sure you cut or tear it into smaller pieces. Some "normal" or "standard" wrapping paper can be recycled, check with your local recycling companies. Glittery or foiled wrapping paper cannot be recycled. So if you are insistent on buying one of the kinds that isn't recyclable try to use it again for crafts or if it's not totally torn apart using it again next year! I personally like to buy brown craft paper and using some cute stamps for the top or wrapping it in some pretty ribbon (which is easily reusable). You can also pick up some wrapping paper second hand that's unused from places like The Salvation Army, ReStore locations, and even Goodwill. Check your local thrift stores for some! It's always better for the environment to not purchase brand new things that require water and electrical use to create.

2. What to consider when buying gifts. 

I'm not going to lie, I love giving presents. But let's all be honest, some of the things we get for Christmas either we- 1. Don't use or 2. Come in lots of plastic. So this year I've created a list to help myself and you all think about what you are buying. Here are a few things to consider.

  • Will they use it? -  Sadly, when you choose quantity over quality, those gifts can be likely to break, get lost, or sit unused in a drawer over the next year. Instead, choose few and choose wisely. This year, search for a gift that they’ll actually use, rather than a bunch of items that are fun in the moment but that are more likely to go in the bin or the donation pile. 
About 35% of Americans have an unused holiday present in their homes, and more than $9.5 billion is estimated to be wasted on unwanted gifts each year!

  • Does it give back?- I love a good item that donates back to charities or the planet. A good example that most people know about are Tom's. Tom's does the following- With your purchases and our partners, TOMS helps give shoes, sight, water, safe birth and bullying prevention services, in over 70 COUNTRIES around the world. (you can read more about how and where they give here: Toms Giving.                                                                                         
  • What's it made out of? - You all know by this point that I'm a huge fan of recycling and up-cycling. I live in thrift stores. Not I look for things I can re-gift, plus you can find great items that are made of things that don't destroy the planet.  So this year, when shopping for lotions, soaps, or holiday candles, look for products made with organic ingredients, and that use essential oils instead of fragrance. Not only are they better for you, but natural materials and ingredients don’t leech harmful chemicals into the earth, either! Also, you know that friend you see that makes their own products, or they make jewelry? Consider paying them to make some of the items on your Christmas list, not only are you supporting a small business but you'll get one of a kind pieces.                                                                                                                         
  • Lastly, What's it Wrapped in? - You know exactly what I'm talking about. You got some super cute bath bombs and they are in a hundred layers of plastic and cardboard boxing and it takes you 10 minutes to get them out. RIDICULOUS. I always try to look for items with the least amount of packaging. Or I go to stores that sell handmade items because chances are the bars of soap aren't wrapped in a million layers and they are most likely going to give it to me in a brown paper bag. Also, who has time to unwrap all that mess. 
Did you know that Americans throw away around 25% more trash between Thanksgiving and New Years than they do throughout the year. 

3Eco Friendly Entertaining.
  • Using Reused- Say goodbye to all single-use utensils, plates, cups,and napkins, opting instead for reusable alternatives that keep trash from landfills and make your table look great. This may mean washing some more dishes but keeping things out of the landfill. Another great option, is that if you have a cabinet or drawer with leftover cups, plates, and napkins, try to reuse some of those instead of buying new things. Just mix in your colors and styles to have a shabby chic look. If you feel like you have too many patterns going on try to add some more basic single colors for your centerpieces and other decorative items to balance it out. They also have super cute bamboo utensils if you want to buy toss out items that aren't going to destroy the planet. And obviously if you're dying for some new decor, buy from a thrift store when you can!                                                                       
  • Setting out Bins- It will help you in the long run and your guests to set out the appropriate bins for recycling. Make sure you clearly label your bins so guests know where to put each item. You'll have less to clean up and the recycling will be ready to go! 

I may update this if I have some more ideas! Let me know how you are having an eco friendly & sustainable  holiday! 


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