4 Steps Towards A More Simple & Stress Free Life

Over the last couple of years I have dreamed of living a more holistic, natural, and simple lifestyle. So I'm here to give you a few of my tips. Am I perfect? No. I am always looking to improve. I've always wanted a more simple life and one day I hope to have my own earth ship. I don't want you to think that any of these steps or tips whatever you call them, can be accomplished in a day. Or even in 2 weeks. Some of this will take you a bit of time (especially the clutter bit). When we do things like de-clutter & get rid of toxic people we help improve our lives a little bit each day. Nothing I'm going to tell you will solve all your problems but perhaps you will sleep a bit better at night. :) 

1. Kick the Clutter

I have been in my time called things like a "pack rat" and I'll admit I'm not the first one to get rid of things. If it's straight garbage I'm not hanging on to it. But I tend to hold on to other things way too long. Marie Kondo has a lovely show on Netflix Watch Here this show was based off of her book "The life- changing magic of tidying up". 10/10 I would recommend her methods. 
Marie Kondo's six rules for tidying are:

  1. Commit yourself to tidying up.
  2. Imagine your ideal lifestyle.
  3. Finish discarding first.
  4. Tidy by category — not location.
  5. Follow the right order.
  6. Ask yourself if it sparks joy.
When she talks about by category she also suggests you go in this order: 

  1. Clothes
  2. Books
  3. Papers
  4. Komono (Misc. stuff)
  5. Sentimental
Someone made a Kondo inspired checklist. I'll link it here. Checklist

2. Limit your electronic use- especially after dinner 

I'm in no way saying you should ditch your electronics. I love a good Netflix/Hulu show as much as the next person. I also can get sucked into things like Pinterest on my phone. It's easier for you to fall asleep at night if you quit using your phone at least one hour before bed. Not to mention if you shut off electronics after dinner you have more time to get things done. Whether you spend time with the family, catch up on that book you are reading, or do a few extra chores. Electronics have a tendency to be a time suck.

3. Meal Prep!

I will beat this idea into everyone's head until they understand it! (side note: I fall off this wagon sometimes, tbh) 
You can find tons of recipes and ideas on Pinterest. These don't even have to be hard. It will help you have less stress because- guess what- you don't have to figure out what you are eating for lunch. It's in your little prep bowl ready to go. Plus you will only be cooking once a week if you meal prep all your meals ahead of time instead of cooking every day. But even if you only meal prep your lunch and breakfast, this will still save you headaches and time. Need some inspo? Healthy Taco Bowl Ideas

4. Remove negativity from your life

Easier said than done, yes? I'm not even just talking about online. Yes online is easier. It's also harder sometimes. Do you have that person on your Facebook or Twitter that just drives you nuts? Maybe an old high school friend, or a friend of a friend? That person who, for example, maybe argues with you about politics for the sake of only saying you are wrong and refusing to be open to other ideas? Or maybe they say hateful stuff about your behind your back to other friends? Or perhaps they try and sell you body wraps, thrive, or ask you to follow their garbage band? Just do your head and stress levels a favor and unfriend them? If that person is a family member and you can't bring yourself to unfriend them, hit that unfollow button. They won't know you can't see every racist thing they post, or every single picture they ever took of their pet iguana. 

I could continue to add things to this list every time I think of them. And perhaps I'll occasionally add new things, or create a whole new list of additional things. Thanks for reading! And as always, let me know what steps you guys are taking towards living a more simple and stress free life! 


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